Business Travel During the Holidays
It’s a familiar story this time of year: many flights are delayed or worse, canceled; the roads are clogged with traffic…and a lot of time is wasted. These airports made the top ten list for most flights canceled during the holiday season according to article. Several airports in the mid-Atlantic area made the top 10; La Guardia, JFK, Boston and Newark. The days travelers are most likely to experience travel delays are December 22, 23, 26 and 27. Visit this article for a helpful chart by day that includes the best and worst days to travel by airline: article. Up to 34% of flights experience delays in late December! Whirlwind works with many business travelers, picking you up as close to your office or home as possible and flying you to your meetings on time and without hassle. We hope you’ll call us for a quote on your next business trip!